Associate Teaching Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
See the discussion of this post on Hacker News.
I spend a lot of time daydreaming about what I'll build next. But for 99% of the ideas, I never do anything with them.
And why do we all tend to be so secretive with our ideas? If I were to build any of my app ideas, then I would have to beg you just to try it out.
At some point I get exhausted carrying around an idea that I really like but don't seem to be making progress on. For example, my CAREER Award idea and Yesterdoc. Those posts got a lot of praise too.
I'd rather give my ideas away than let them go to waste. Who knows if they are even good? The hard part is the execution anyway.
So here you go, a few app ideas randomly taken from my list of 80+ ideas for you to take and do as you please. It would be cool if you let me know if you build any of them so I can try it out!
1. Create an auto-updating website from a Google Doc or Sheet. I share a lot of documents in the cloud, but sharing them feels heavy. The person I share them to might get nagged to open an account (looking at you Dropbox) and viewing on mobile always looks terrible or requires downloading an app. It would be cool to take the URL and plug it into a service that creates a hosted webpage based on the document's content with a minimalist style. Then whenever I edit the document, the website automatically updates.
2. Author and share short-form solo audio podcasts. I really enjoy Twitter and I really enjoy podcasts, but why isn't there something in between? I'd pay to subscribe to hear my favorite creative/tech people just spout random thoughts throughout the day which can be packaged up periodically as a traditional podcast.
3. URL clipboard tracker. I lose links a lot. It isn't surprising since I'm sending and receiving them across a dozen different communication applications. A great solution would monitor my clipboard for URLs and log them. I described this idea in my post, "This project will only take 2 hours".
4. REDACTED. Removed, sorry.
5. Journal/todo app that asks me what I'll do and what I did. I've emulated having a todo app that every morning/night asks me: "what will you do?" and I can fill in a handful of items. But it also shows me the items from the last time and asks "did you do them?", giving me the option to check them off, throw them out, or move them to the next day.
What idea have you been holding on to for too long? Maybe just give it away.
More ideas to come.